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Women Violence
Anything Related to EmploymentViolence against women is partly a result of gender relations that assumes men to be superior to women.
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Human Rights Law
Discriminations should endThe international human rights movement was strengthened when the United Nations.....
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Human Rights Issues
Need to evaluate your standardEducation, Women, Children, Civil and Political Rights, Adequate Housing, Business and Human Rights
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What are human rights?
Stop before it causes a big troubleHuman rights are thus conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone).
Read MoreThe Issue of Child Abuse
Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in India. It’s a terrible epidemic that we at Child help are dedicated to put an end to. To do this, we need to first increase awareness of the issue itself.
Human Rights
The growing lawlessness among the State agencies and failure of the justice delivery system has deprived many people of their basic human rights.
A violation of human rights by the State has become an order of the day.
Most Trusted council with successful cases
Though human rights today assume great significance and necessity and though violations of human rights and unlawful acts are denounced even beyond the frontiers of the countrie where these occur, the performance in the path of protecting and safeguarding human rights has, nevertheless, not been encouraging in India and it has acquired only a theoretical legitimacy.